905 879.7722 (SPAA)
905 879.7722 (SPAA)
The most luxurious of spa therapies. Starting off with a hydrating exfoliate with your choice of coconut, vanilla or sugar kiss scrub to remove dead skin then a vitamin mousse mask is applied to the body to decongest, detoxify and grant vitality to the skin. To awaken your spirit- relax under a cascading waterfall with our Vichy Shower. A relaxing 30min wellness massage is performed to compliment this service.
90min - $180
Upgrade to 60 min massage for $50
Relax with a hot chocolate to start!
All of the pleasure, non of the guilt. Escape to a state of bliss while the sensory pleasures of chocolate indulgence entice your senses. Your treatment will begin with a custom skin glowing exfoliation. Then bring your mind and body into perfect balance with a tantalizing, cocoa-laced firming mud wrap. You are then cocooned in warm linens allowing the moisturizing properties of this treatment to pamper your body. To awaken your spirit- relax under a cascading waterfall with our Vichy Shower. To complete this chocolate fantasy, an application of deep hydrating creamy lotion is applied. A "chocolate treat" will be given to satisfy your sweet craving.
75min - $160
Choose from warm coconut, vanilla or sugar kiss to hydrate, exfoliate and detox the body. To awaken your spirit- relax under a cascading waterfall with our Vichy Shower.
30min -$65
An intense treatment using algae that combats the unsightly effects of cellulite with immediate results. Skin will be firmer and more even textured. A highly effective and stimulating treatment.
60min -$90
Series 4-$330
series 6 -$475
Pure aloe and herbs are used to detoxify and eliminate the toxins in the body. Warm cotton wraps soaked in the aloe solution are applied to the body followed by a thermal blanket. The aloe solution remains in the body for up to 72 hours thus continuing to eliminate toxins. lose up to 15 inches with every wrap.
60min -$85
Series 4- $320
Series 6- $450
A ritual bath to add to any of your services.
Himalayan salts are used to draw impurities and aid in relaxation.
20min - $45